Stress-Free Success: Imagine what a clear mind can do for your life.


If you’re a woman over 40, you’ve likely navigated life’s twists and turns, and now you’re ready to reclaim your confidence and wellbeing while balancing stress, hormones and success. At this pivotal phase, stress can feel overwhelming, but it’s also an opportunity for transformation.


My mission is simple yet profound: to empower you. Stress reduction isn’t just about coping—it’s about thriving.

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Hygea Harmony: Stress Management for Holistic Well-Being


Welcome to Hygea Harmony, where we prioritize your well-being and stress management. Life’s demands can leave us feeling tense, overwhelmed, and exhausted. But it doesn't have to be that way—we’re here to guide you toward balance and vitality.

Understanding Stress

Stress is a natural part of daily life, stemming from both positive and negative experiences. When stress becomes excessive, it can impact our health. Here’s how it affects you:

 1. Mobilizing Energy:

 ◦ Your body releases adrenaline, heart rate increases, and breathing quickens.

 ◦ Both good and challenging events trigger this response.

 2. Consuming Energy Stores:

 ◦ Prolonged stress leads to the release of stored sugars and fats.

 ◦ You feel driven, pressured, and fatigued.

 ◦ Negative thinking, anxiety, and memory issues may arise.

 3. Draining Energy Stores:

 ◦ Unresolved stress depletes your energy reserves.

 ◦ Insomnia, poor judgment, personality changes, and health risks follow.

Recognize signs of being over-stressed- Symptoms may include:

 • Irritability, sadness, or guilt

 • Changes in sleep patterns

 • Weight fluctuations

 • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

 • Negative thoughts

 • Loss of interest or energy in activities you once enjoyed

 • Restlessness

Health Effects of Stress

While some people seem resilient, stress is a risk factor for various diseases:

 • Heart disease

 • Certain bowel conditions

 • Mental illness

 • Impact on diabetes management

 • Substance abuse risks

 • Weight fluctuations

 • Possible link to Alzheimer’s Disease

Minimizing Your Risk

Here are strategies to manage stress effectively:

 1. Understand Stress.

 2. Learn Stress Management Techniques.

 3. Reduce Tension.

Here’s how I will guide you on this transformative journey:

 1. Holistic Approach: We embrace a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Our toolkit includes:

 ◦ Mindful Movement: Discover movement practices that honor your body’s wisdom. No more pushing through pain—instead, move in harmony with your unique needs.

 ◦ Nutrition Aligned with Hormones: Say goodbye to generic diets. We tailor nutrition to support hormonal balance, energy, and overall well-being.

 ◦ Mindfulness Practices and Stress Management Tools: Stay grounded in the present moment. Mindfulness helps you navigate stress, cultivate resilience, and create a life aligned with your deepest desires.

 ◦ Empowering Mindset: Uncover your patterns, beliefs, and self-talk. With awareness, you can rewrite your story and shape your reality.

 2. Listening to Your Body: Instead of fearing change, embrace it as an invitation to listen closely to your body. Curiosity becomes your compass, guiding you toward what truly nourishes you.

 3. Intimacy with Self: This phase of life invites intimacy—with yourself. Explore your desires, dreams, and aspirations. Get to know the woman you’ve become, and honor her wisdom.

Clarity and Achievement: Now is your time. Define what you want—whether it’s a fulfilling career, vibrant health, or inner peace. Our holistic tools provide clarity, so you can achieve your vision.

Are you ready to step into stress-free success? Let’s navigate through this  transformative journey together. Explore our resources, connect with our community, and rediscover the power within you.

Renew360: A Transformative Wellness Journey

90-Day Transformation Program

Are you ready to reclaim your well-being and thrive? The 90-day Realize, Review, Rewire, and Reclaim program is designed for individuals who are committed to long-term lifestyle changes. Whether you’re tired of quick fixes or eager to explore transformation during this phase of life, I’ve got you covered.

What You’ll Experience:

 1. Realize Your Potential:

 ◦ Dive deep into self-awareness. Understand your patterns, triggers, and aspirations.

 ◦ Identify what truly matters to you—whether it’s career success, vibrant health, or inner peace.

 ◦ Deep dive into the beliefs that have been holding you back from thriving

 2. Review Your Habits:

 ◦ Assess your current lifestyle. What’s working? What needs adjustment?

 ◦ I will  guide you through a comprehensive review to optimize emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

 3. Rewire Your Mindset:

 ◦ Challenge limiting beliefs. Replace them with empowering thoughts.

 ◦ Cultivate resilience, focus, and clarity as you rewire your mental landscape.

 4. Reclaim Your Vitality:

 ◦ Implement sustainable changes. Our holistic approach includes:

  •  Mindful Movement: Tailored exercises that honor your body’s needs.

  •  Hormone-Friendly Nutrition: Fuel your vitality with balanced meals.

  •  Mindfulness Practices: Stay present and centered.
  • Emotional Well-Being Strategies: Boost mood, energy, and sleep quality.

Join the Waitlist

Ready to transform your life? Secure your spot for the next round of the program and receive $100 off for being on the waitlist. By joining the waitlist, you’ll also receive exclusive updates, early access, and a FREE high-protein recipe pack to kickstart your journey.


Who Uses Our Services?

"Your class is the best part of my week! I feel different from when I start the class and my feelings at the end. It's a big part of my way of coping with my chronic pain. Never thought I'd say that about yoga but it's my truth. Really can't thank you enough Barb!"


"My lymphedema swelling was back this week, which made some moves difficult...but I did my best! When you talked about having us think about ourselves and you told us to make it positive, I was in tears and near the end of the class I was so relaxed. I almost fell asleep! Yoga can bring out so many emotions! You are such an amazing coach!"


"I am finding that the focus words chosen through the program, have brought more clarity to my daily activities. Thanks again!"


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